She is started laughing more. Its so cute. I love it. She's pretty stingy with what she laughs about!
She still doesn't sleep through the night. :( Here's hoping that changes soon! One of her favorite things to do when being held is scratching or pinching your arm, back of your arm....etc. Painful! Ava is our little scheduler. She keeps me on track. Demanding meals....etc,... at the same time everyday. She lets me know when I've gone past that time!
So grateful for such a sweet little angel! She has a funny little personality that contains some serious attitude! When she gets upset or mad, she straightens out her arms and lets out a shriek/growl. Very amusing!
She is so stinkin cute!
She is adorable!!!
Addy does the same thing with my arm. I really don't think she is capable of going to sleep without rubbing my arm. it really drives me nuts and everyone thinks I am crazy. Some kids have their blankies, some their binkies, mine loves to rub my arm... who would have thought
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