Thursday, December 17, 2009

More stuff

Yesterday we took the girls to the dentist. I was nervous about Elle because last time she freaked out. She wouldn't even open her mouth, no pictures...nothing. So I "let" Eli be with her while I was with Blynn.
Elle acted excited about going and we told her again what would happen etc.... her attitude changed the minute we got there. Great!
Good news? Elle ended up letting them take two pictures (of the four) and then she let them clean her teeth.
Sure enough with good news comes bad right? Bad news. At least 8 cavities, some needing caps. We're talking surgery center now. Put her out and get all the work done in one shot. $$$. More bad news? They would have completely covered it if she was four or under. When did I call and make appointments to get them in??? September. When is Elle's b-day. :) September. Sigh........
She is definately our expensive child.
By the way Blynn did great as always and has one area to be watched, but looks good. Greatful for that blessing!! :)

Wish I could post pics but since my computer is out of commission thats going to have to wait! Sorry grama!

Last night we took the girls out for ice cream and was on our way home when I saw this teeny dog run out in the street. Looked more like a piece of garbage flying across the street! I told Eli to slow down and with four lanes of traffic we thought that we would see this poor puppy's life come to an end! (Utah drivers aren't known for their awesome driving) Seeing him run around cars he darts into oncoming traffic and comes to the aid of another puppy.....who had just been hit!!! It was so sad! Its poor little tail was still moving and he was shaking.... As if that wasn't enough (sorry we were driving really slow) a big surburban drives over the top of both! BUT.... it cleared them!
My girls were pretty traumatized. Then later they asked if the dog was still in the street. So sad. It had a collar on, so it was somebody's.

Oh and for more excitement, we had our scare yesterday as well. We had just gotten home and Eli took Ava out of her car seat. He went back into the bedroom to change her pants and I hear him say "Kristin she's not breathing!!" Nothing can drop your heart like that! At first I was hoping he was just kidding, but as I met him coming back down the hall I could tell she wasn't and her face was red. I was sick! I just blew in her face to see if she would gasp and she did. It was too scary! When she eats she "forgets" to breathe, but she's never done this before! Made me not want to sleep very bad last night.

Ava just past her six weeks old mark on Tuesday. Time is flying by way too quick! She is getting chunky. Her hair is getting lighter too. But she is still a popular girl in our house! :)


Rach n Adam said...

Love those dentist appointments! Daken is our expensive child...he's had to get the caps, so he has like 4 silver teeth. So sad about the puppys...everytime our puppy gets loose in the front yard, Ash freaks out crying. I can't believe your baby is already 6 weeks! Time goes too quickly these days. :)


wow scary stuff!!!!!! see ya, jennifer

Lindsay said...

WOW, what a list of nerve wracking events. I am glad all is well, take care:)

Michelle Croft said...

Too many heart stopping moments! Hopefully things get better in your house.

avisiontoremember said...

Ash has been through the same thing with her teeth. I think in the end she had 5 caps and 13 stuff.

I hope you guys can take the xtra drive to come see us. I would love to see the baby and spend time with you guys, but we understand...kinda...:)

Last night addy only ate 2 ounces and then slept all night...needless to say Dillon was the one to check on her this morning cause I conveniently was still asleep. Even now that is my biggest fear...Sorry