Wow. I don't even know where to start! It feels like things have been crazy around here and we are constantly running from here to there and back again. But then I look back and think, nothing is getting done, and I don't know what I have been doing!!
Eli and I have been working on a friends four-wheeler. It was completely out of commision. We took it all apart and found that a valve was the cause. Yes you heard me right. I have been helping. I even changed the oil, and the oil filter. Nice!! Its been fun. Runs like a champ! (Now if I can get it out of the garage so we can park in it!!
We took a quick trip to Wyo last week. It was fun to fly up. We brought back Eli's parents old van to use. I AM A MINI-VAN MOM!!!!! AAAAHHH!!! PLEASE SAY IT ISN"T SO!!!! (I swore up and down to my dear loving husband that I would NEVER, repeat, NEVER drive a mini-van!! I think i'm going to gag!!
on my own words.......) Yes, I am driving a mini van. And love it. *cough* Its so roomy. And I'm going to leave it at that. before I through up.Anywho, it was fun to chill with the fam again. We drank WAY to much pop and played some card game. Thats right, its time to think of a new game. 9's is gettin pretty old!! :) (Kari knows my mind is leaving me. I'm trying to remember what all we did while we where there)
It was very nice to go see granpa and grama great! (by the way grama, when we were leaving I noticed the chair in the entry way. The little pink-ish, spinning one. LOVE it :) Yes I'm sure its been around forever, but I love it) Eli tried to help grandpa get the van running a bit. Stupid transmissions anyway....
Catherine and I did get A calendar page done! Wha-hoo!! And we went to the cry a bit. Marley & Me was a cute and sad show. I still liked it. I honest to Pete thought I wouldn't have to wait in LINE at the movies for as long as we Lovell?? Yeah.
So other than that......Now for the
GREAT NEWS!!!!! Its official!!! Eli starts with Skywest tomarrow!!! WHA-HOO!!! I'm excited. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. May it be small, it WILL get bigger!! Oh the many perks with working with such a good company!! Can we say FLIGHT BENEFITS?? We have been talking about it, and once things get going, we want to teach the girls about some cities in the US and then take them there! Like a super mini vacation! It will be fun! It would be heavenly if we are able to make the 2012 PARIS!!!!! Elle is fighting a another ear infection. Its amazing how long she went with no sicknesses. We gave her the flu mist in October -ish. And it has worked so well. Nothing until now. She seems to be the one who catches everything!!!
Blynn is still going strong in school. Its been fun and (stressful) to watch her learn how to read. She likes to look at the pictures and guess what words are. But she has been doing better!! Its amazing how fast she is growing up!!
Oh and another thing......I got a new lens. It has been fun playing with it and getting some better quality pics with it! I love it!! I took Brinleighs 6 month pics the other day. All I can say is she is gorgeous!!! I'll post the pics here in a bit. Other than that, this is what is going on in our little nutshell!!:)