We accomplished her hand mold the other day. Turned out better than the other two! :)

After bath this morning.... (She gets excited when she hears her bath water!)

She always has her feet like this. So cute. They are still teeny. Socks and shoes fall right off.
I can't believe it! Time is flyin by! Ava is getting so big! Sorry these are the only pics I have of her so far. She doesn't go in for her four month check up until next week. So I still don't have any stats :) Some things she is doing.....
* trying to get her two bottom teeth in. (which means tons of drool! she hasn't been a drooler as of late so this getting her clothes soaked is crazy!)
* she still is trying to get over her nasty cough from a couple weeks ago!!!
* She is reaching for her toys now instead of just looking at them!
* She still loves to talk and coo.
* She will smile at anyone
* She is VERY ticklish!!
* She does cat naps. and still doesn't have the best sleeping habits. (B and E never had good sleeping habits) I was so excited the other night when she went down at 7pm and it was a little after midnight when I finally went to bed. I was thinking she would wake up any minute..... and she did just that about five minutes AFTER I crawled into bed! Of course.... :)
* She loves her sisters. Elle sat in her crib the other day for a minute while I was trying to get something done and she got Ava to go to sleep. I loved that. Her big sisters are such big helpers!
* Sometimes Ava will "talk" or "hum" herself to sleep. Its pretty cute. She still FIGHTS going to sleep.
* She wears size two diapers and wears some three month all the way to six month clothes.
* She can throw a temper tantrum quite well already. I think I'm going to buy stock in Midol.......